Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Euthanasia Is As Great As It Gets

        Unfortunately most of the worlds population can't get this simple concept going! Lets think about this, "Grandpa" is dying, and not the kind of peaceful dying, the "in a lot of pain, holy balls I want to die faster" kind of dying. Now a very easy way to end all this suffering "Grandpa" is going through, is to simply "put him down", just like a cat or dog. Would you rather see your beloved Grandpa slip away painfully and in an agonizing state, or would you like him to pass away peacefully? All you have to do is give him a little more sleeping pills and then he's gone, very happily I might add. People take a look at this and the first thing they think is "That's not okay because it's still murder!", now as true as this is it can also be avoided by a very easy method. The Government gives Doctors, and numerous healthcare experts the right to "put down" anyone that is in a state of severe suffering and/or is near death. That way a random person can just barge in and kill someone, then state it was for that person, so he wouldn't suffer. As well as the fact that doctors have many ways to exterminate people very painlessly and comfortably that many people at home have no option to. So, Doctors have control of the situation and only people who are near death and in a lot of pain have an easy way out. Simple, effective, comfortable, and easy to handle, this is clearly the way to go in handling any sort of uncomfortable situation such as painful death experiences. 

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