Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Social Worker

A social worker works with people who have been socially excluded or who are experiencing crisis. Their role is to provide support to enable service users to help themselves. They maintain professional relationships with service users, acting as guides, advocates or critical friends.
Social workers work in a variety of settings within a framework of relevant legislation and procedures, supporting individuals, families and groups within the community. Settings may include the service user’s home or schools, hospitals or the premises of other public sector and voluntary organizations. They have to deal with a plethora of distraught people which can sometimes be very hard.


Midwives provide advice, care and support for women, their partners and families before, during and after childbirth. They help women make their own decisions about the care and services they access. They care for newborn children, providing health education and parenting support for the first 28 days, after which care transfers to a health visitor.
Midwives are personally responsible for the health of both mother and child and only refer to obstetricians if there are medical complications. They work in multidisciplinary teams in both hospital and, increasingly, community healthcare settings. It can be very stressful to care after newborn babies so often.

Math Professer

Besides just teaching mathematics a university level math professor also participates in many activities on campus. These activities may include working with gifted or exceptional students, sitting on various committees and steering groups for the university, or even publishing research material on an ongoing basis. Most university mathematics professors also interact on a regular basis with colleagues and other mathematics professionals from around the world using various listserves and email programs. Math professors go through a long strenuous amount of schooling to secure a job at a university which in some cases can take years.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

T.V. Journalist

 A T.V. Journalist's job can be very intense. Television (TV) journalist prepares and reports information to the public on television news programs. This type of journalist may report on location at the scene of a story or from the television station. This can be a competitive industry where employers consider skills, talent, personality and appearance. A journalist's main job duty is investigating and preparing the stories he or she will report, which can include covering events, researching and interviewing people. A journalist may have to report live at the scene of a breaking news story, which requires putting together the information on the spot with little preparation time. Other job duties include working with editors, camera crew and working with other crew members to prepare for the broadcast.


Being a firefighter in Ontario is not easy. All probationary firefighters receive extensive training in the latest firefighting and rescue techniques. Training is provided in handling emergency and medical calls as well as hazardous material situations. Fire prevention legislation and arson investigation techniques are also taught. Firefighters may be involved in Fire Safety Programs such as home inspections, Learn Not To Burn and Childrens Safety. In fact, a firefighter's education is never complete - firefighters are always learning and being kept up-to-date on the latest developments and techniques. Firefighters have to handle intense emotional and mental moments. And deal with death often. Being a firefighter is very hard work.


If I could vote right now it would be N.D.P. I already know that I am very far left, and I agree with almost all their concepts. More than likely I'm voting for them because that's the way I was brought up. But still I would vote for N.D.P.


I like smurfs! Smurfs are great! If I had a smurf its name would be Charlie! I like the colour Blue! I alos like cake!